Dr. R. K. Suri is a former Director of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi. He has more than forty years of experience in research and teaching in Forestry, Environment Impact Assessment & Monitoring, Pollution Control, Hazards and Risk Assessment Safety and Environmental Health, Education and Awareness. His contribution in teaching and research has been well recognized nationally and internationally and his research has resulted in over 125 technical papers and guided the research work of seven students leading to the award of Ph.D. degree.
Dr. R. K. Suri has received numerous awards and recognitions, including Dr. A. Purushottam Silver Medal for outstanding work in Forest Sciences in 1982 and Gold Medal from Essential Oils Association of India in1992 for best paper published in Indian Perfumer in 1991. He is also a recipient of the Greentech Environment Champion Award 2014.
Dr. Suri has Edited/Authored 19 noteworthy books related to forestry and environment and his book entitled “Shore Machaye Shore” in Hindi was awarded cash prize of Rs.15, 000/- by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India, New Delhi in 1998.
Dr. Suri has had an ongoing interest in environmental education and awareness and has been instrumental in developing environmental quizzes and a fun game Green Tambola (Housie) which is a tool for sensitizing public and dissemination of information on environmental matters to the society. He is a member of several noteworthy Scientific Societies/Associations like National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad; Indian Chemical Society, Calcutta; Oil Technologists Association of India, Kanpur; Essential Oils Association of India, Kanpur; Society of Indian Forester, Dehradun; Society for Forest & Environmental Management, New Delhi; and Society of Biological Chemists, Bangalore and recently inducted as a Senior Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED) Hong Kong.