Apex India Foundation offers its membership. Become a part of the organization and share your ideas, also get to know what is the revolution happening all over the world from leaders and esteemed personalities through our Conference and Training workshop. Participate to establish a better society and promote your skill and practice at the highest level. With a nominal membership fee get hold of some of our exceptional benefits.
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Publication of the of the company profile in brief along with photo of the CEO.
Publication of the company’s report or news in our newsletter.
Discount benefits for participation in our Conference, Training, Workshops and Awards programs.
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Opportunity to grow your network and enhance your skills.
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Get to know what is happening all over the globe related to Environment Management, Fire and Safety, HR and CSR.
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Certification of Membership.
Discount benefits for participation in our Conference, Training, Workshops and Awards programs.
Avail discount on Apex India Foundation publications.
Complimentary E-news bulletins.
Opportunity to grow your network and showcase your talent.
Improve your skill through our learning programs.
Become a part of Apex India Foundation for various Social Activities.