Mr Bhasin is a First Class Mechanical Engineer with B. Tech. (Mech.) Degree from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology in 1971 and did further specialization In Materials Management from Indian Institute of Materials Management.
He was associated with Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL), A Public Sector company, Govt. of India, in 1972, as Junior Manager and superannuated as General Manager (Environment), Durgapur Steel Plant, SAILin the Year 2007.
During his association with SAIL over 35 years, he headed key positions in various Divisions such as Environment Management,
Materials Management & Contracts Management. During his association with SAIL over 35 years he was closely associated to obtain all Environmental clearances from Central, State and Local statutory bodies during the modernization of Durgapur Steel Plant.
During his association with SAIL, he had undergone several training programs on various industry-related subjects including HR, OHS, ISO, Financial Management and Leadership to enhance further knowledge on various aspects of the Company.
Mr Bhasin was associated with Steel Forgings manufacturing company, Mackeil Ispat & Forging Ltd. (MEFL) Kolkata as Advisor to look after the Technical & commercial functions of the Company for one year.
He was also associated with Shabro Metal & Technologies Ltd. (SMTL) as Executive Director to look after the Techno-commercial aspects of the Company. During his association with the above companies for nearly 40 years, He has gathered quite a good knowledge & experience to understand the problems faced by various Industries and to suggest appropriate measures to mitigate the problem.
Mr Bhasin had a successful track record of working with Govt. as well as Private sector Industries for more than 40 years in various fields in key positions.