Mr. Y R Shrivastava is a seasoned environmental consultant with about 40 years of professional experience in environmental management of coal, gas and hydro power plants. He superannuated from NTPC as in-charge of environment, ash utilization and afforestation in 2012.
He worked in various capacities in multiple power plants and mainly in Corporate Centre of NTPC. He has expertise in the area of pre & post EIA, environmental audits, EPI, sustainability reports based on GRI-G3 guidelines, waste management, resource conservation, GHG emission control, energy plantation, ISO-1400& 18001. He carried out many special environmental studies viz human health risk assessment, pollutants source apportionment, carrying capacity environment cost – benefit analysis etc in NTPC power plants. He is a member of several notable committees such as mercury emission control committee in MoEFCC under UNDP, committee in BIS for environmental testing methodologies, National committee on environment in CII, various committees formed by CPCB such as on zero discharge from TPPs, finalizing stack emission norms for SO2 & Nox & fugitive dust control, he was also associated with various committees of FICCI & TERI. He presented more than 50 papers related to environment management in industries in various conferences. After superannuation he worked as executive director in Neo Green Council New Delhi-a company formed by ex NTPC official to cater consultancy in the field of environment. He also worked as CEO in Energyconnect efficiency solutions pvt ltd NOIDA – a company formed by experts from NTPC & BHEL for catering services on environment related issues, efficiency improvement & project management.
Mr. Shrivastava is known for providing leadership to people, delivering excellence with clear focus on results & ability to effectively deal with complex situations. Successful track record at strategizing techniques for streaming environmental functions of the organisation.